Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ouch Ouch Ouch!!

Yesterday I did a different lower body workout and holy cow!! It took me about 30 minutes to do it all and none of the moves hurt or made my muscles feel real tired. All day my legs did feel kind of jell-o like. I had shopping to do and had a chiro apt. So, a bit more activity than a normal day for me. Well, later that evening I was hanging clothes and oh my quads were a little tight. As the evening progressed my legs got tighter and tighter. I knew it was going to be a rough morning. I decided to make the day after lower body a rest day. I could hardly get out of bed to turn the alarm off. I think I'm going to change it to a 15 minute workout instead doing 1 set of surges for each move.

Here's what I did:
5 minute warm up
4 - 20 sec surges with 20 sec rest between surges of 1 legged squats
20 sec rest
4 - 20 sec surges with 20 sec rest between surges of single leg calf raises
20 sec rest

4 - 20 sec surges with 20 sec rest between surges of lunges
20 sec rest

4 - 20 sec surges with 20 sec rest between surges of inner thigh
20 sec rest

4 - 20 sec surges with 20 sec rest between surges of outter thigh
20 sec rest

Monday, February 2, 2009

Back at it

Ahhh. I just got done during my workout. It felt so good. Taking that week off was great. I did gain two pounds but, if you saw the way I was eating this weekend you'd be surprised it was only two pounds. :)
This weekend our daughter decided that she wanted to wear her princess dresses all day. I'm not sure what prompted her to do this but she did. She was such a cutie dancing, taking care of her baby, wearing her kid high heels and beating up monsters. She doesn't need Prince Charming to save her. Prince Charming needs her to save him. That's my girl!! Anyway, we were watching Bulging Brides later and I decided to try on my wedding dress. If I could get it on somewhat we could play princess. Oh Lord!! Not good. We couldn't even get it zipped a little. The top kept falling over so there was no way I could wear it around the house and play. Damn! I told our daughter that as soon as I fit in the dress again I would wear it when we play princess. So there we go. A new goal. Fit in that expensive dress I wore once that is taking up a lot of space in my closet.
I have posted pictures in my album.