Monday, March 16, 2009

From Burn to Jelly

I know I haven't posted in a while. To tell you the truth I haven't done much to post about. I've been doing really bad with it all. I guess the first 25 lbs came off so easy that I thought the last 25 would too. Ha ha ha. This 25 will probably be the hardest. It's the baby weight from our 3 year old. I finaly realized that I'm going to have to work extra hard for this. So, today I started.
Today's work out burned a lot. I kept on pushing through the burn and then it didn't burn anymore. Sounds great but the burn turned into the jelly feeling. Yippy, trying to do wall sits while your legs are shaking and feel like jelly. It's kind of scary at first, but so cool at the same time.
Today's workout (4 sets - 30 second surges, 30 second rests, 1 minute break)

Hip Extensions
Plie Squats
Wall Squats with Ball
Wall Sits

That takes about 30 minutes. Then I added abs, another 30 minutes.

Ball Crunches
Ball Obliques
Caption's Chair
Reverse Crunch
Side Plank

Click for directions for leg excercises and ab excercises. I did modify some a little bit. Like doing the crunches and obliques on a ball. Tomorrow I'll feel the hurt. I can't wait. :)

Until next time, keep up the healthy lifestyle and remember it's worth it fo get healthy. Good luck with your weight loss goals.

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